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New Releases @ Hatikvah Music

Though the following titles have yet to be added to  our web site , we just 
received these new recordings. All prices valid through the month of 
We should have these titles up on our site within the the week.

                    All Prices include shipping within the US

1) Joseph Buloff on Stage" - 2 CD set- the Famous Yiddish actor peforms 
readings from Lutsky, Peretz, Shalom Aleichem, and more. 2 Cd Set .... Sale 
Price $19.98

2) "Yiddish Songs' by Chaim Adler. Great New recording by one of the finest 
contemporatry Cantors in the world performing traditional Yiddish 
songs...with a  'hassidic freilach" feel....OUTSTANDING!!!!...$16.98

3) "Rise Up & Fight! Songs of The Jewish Partisans" - Theodore Bike, Rrieda 
     released in 1996 by the US Holocaust Museum, this beautiful recording 
includes    booklet with lyrics and biographies of the composers an 

4) "Las Canciones del Zeide' Yiddish Songs from Argentina..featuring heri 
Gerro, Max Zalkind, Elias rosenberg, Benzion witler, Rosita Longer, Leibele 
schwartz ...$17.98

5) "Benkshaft" -Mariejanvan Oort (voice) & Jackques Verheijers (piano, 
tsimbl, addordion)...$16.98.    Excellent Yiddish recording.   A review of 
this Cd can be found on Ari's Klez Shack at this page;

Check our site under "New Music" for the newest additions to our catalogue. 
We will be adding many new titles next week.

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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