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Fascinatin' Rhythm: The Music of Blacks and Jews (reminder)

This is a reminder that you are welcome this Saturday night, February
3, from 7:30 to 11:30pm, to our Torathon, A Celebration of Jewish Life
and Learning, at the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale
(475 West 250 Street, Riverdale, NY).  "Thirteen of the most exciting
Judaica experts from the Riverdale community have volunteered to teach
or conduct hands-on workshops [including pottery making, Jewish
Genealogy, Kosher Wine Seminar, Magic in the Talmud, etc. "  Conclude
the evening with refreshments and Israeli dancing.  $10 suggested
donation to Adult Education Fund.  For more information phone
718.543.8400 or write to me.

I will present a program:

Fascinatin' Rhythm: The Music of Blacks and Jews

This multi-media program explores the evolution of the complicated
relationship between African- and Jewish-Americans.  In the United
States the affinity and antipathy of these two groups has been
reflected in their music.  We will investigate the record in
spirituals, ragtime,
jazz, blues, gospel, show, folk, popular, rock, and rap music.

Dr. Bob Wiener teaches legal studies at Pace University's Lubin School
of Business and writes on comparative Jewish and American business
ethics.  Dr. Irving Cohen nurtured his love of Jewish music at East
Midwood Jewish Center, Brooklyn.  Bob also presents programs, such as
this one, on Jewish themes.  He is a CSAIR member.

I hope to see some of you there.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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