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The Workmen's Circle/Toronto Yiddish concert

For those of you in the Toronto area, you may want to know about this upcoming 
concert at Toronto's Workmen's Circle, 471 Lawrence Ave. West (Bathurst and 
Lawrence), organized by Henye Reinhartz' Yiddishland Cafe, on Sunday, January 
21, 7:30 pm. The theme is "Tsi kenstu dos land" - or, "Do you know the land?",  
 Eretz Yisroel in Yiddish Song. The program consists of a number of seldom (if 
ever) heard songs on this topic. Admission: $12 in advance,   $15 at the door,  
doors open at 7pm.  Info at 416-635-0720.        Performers:     Yitzhak Argaman
                                                                      Brian Katz

posted by:
lenkal (at) attcanada(dot)ca

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