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Re: recorded versions of Mayn Rue Plats?

on 1/16/01 9:02 AM, Seth Rogovoy at rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net wrote:

> A contemporary singer-songwriter has asked me to help her find recorded
> versions
> of Mayn Rue Plats. I know of a few, but would appreciate hearing about
> others I
> don't know about.
> I seem to recall that June Tabor did a version, but I can't find it on any
> of
> my June Tabor CDs. Can anyone help out?
> thanks,

Hi Seth,

June Tabor recorded a version of Di Nakht on her CD Aleyn, we can't find
Mayn Rue Plats on any of her other CDs that we have, although Beverly
recalls hearing this version years ago.

We did, however, find the song on the Pennywhistlers LP, A Cool Day And
Crooked Horn. Track #7, Nonesuch Explorer Series, H-72024, I don't know if
it's been reissued on CD.

If we bump into anything else, we'll let you know.

The other Seth
Seth Austen
email; seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

"The secret to staying calm in a crisis is in not knowing all the facts."
                                            Lefty, "Lives of the Cowboys"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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