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new articles on klezmershack

In addition to a slew of new capsule reviews, and a longer review, with sound 
samples, of the most recent Gary Lucas album, "Street of Lost Brothers"  
(, I'm excited to be hosting an 
article by Alan Bern about the transition "From Klezmer to New Jewish Music" in 
Brave Old World that was originally published a couple of years ago in the 
Dutch journal, "Mensh and Musik" in 1998. It's a neat article about the band, 
but also about the process of thinking out what music these four individuals 
are trying to create, and do, I think, successfully create.
Bern's most recent project, by the way, is a set of duet accordion 
(accordion/keyboard?) pieces with Guy Klucevsek, "Accordance" which just became 
available in the US. I anticipate that this will be as hard to find as copies 
of the most recent Frank London album, so keep your eyes peeled and grab it 
when you can, or order it from to ensure that you get a copy.

List-member Judith Cohen weighs in on the recent Sephardic music anthology, "La 
Yave, the key to Sephardic music" with some appropriately insightful 
observations about Sephardic music and the recordings on this particular 
anthology. The news isn't =always= good, but the article's the thing--well 
worth reading.

And, of course, people on this list have already perused Koby's account of this 
year's klezmershack, so I note that the link to his website is there, but will 
not presume that members of this list need go to the KlezmerShack to get to 
something they have already read, hosted on Koby's own website,

Among the latest capsule reviews, I do want to call attention to the new 
recording by Prague '24, from Minnesota, as a fresh and talented traditional 
klezmer ensemble, unusually flute-heavy, but to quite good effect. I think it 
is the first recording of 2001 that I've reviewed.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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