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Re: Fwd: Folk and Gypsy music from Hungary, Bulgarian, Transylvania

Khaverim --

First a technical note -- when I clicked on the links in the e-mail
forwarded from Ari, I got a blank screen. However, if you go to the
homepage, you get what you want. 

Boy, these guys have a wonderfully eclectic stock. What this e-mail
didn't mention is that they also carry a considerable selection of
salsa, latin jazz and descargas.

Now what, you may ask, is the Jewish connection here?

Well, as far as I can tell, it must be that salsa is a huge popular
music genre in Israel these days. There is a proliferation of Israeli
salsa bands that I'd love to hear someone explain. 

(Hey, I know, it's great dance music, so who cares if there's a Jewish
connection. The best salsa pianist I ever knew personally was the Jewish
guy who played piano in the jazz group I sang with. Go figure.)

George "Baffled in New York" Robinson

Ari Davidow wrote:
> Although Jewish music is not mentioned specifically, I would suspect that this
> is of interest to many on this list.
> ari
> >
> > From: "info" <info (at) passion-music(dot)co(dot)uk>
> > To: <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
> > Subject: Folk and Gypsy music from Hungary, Bulgarian, Transylvania
> > Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 15:05:05 -0000
> >
> > If you love Folk and Gypsy music from Hungary, Bulgarian, Transylvania,
> > please read
> > on as you might find this interesting.
> >
> > _____________________________________________________________________
> > _____________________________________________________________________
> >
> > <>  CD store now open,
> > selling over a secure
> > server, a great selection of Eastern European folk music. That is folk music
> > previously
> > almost impossible to obtain outside Eastern Europe. And all supplied from
> > stock and at
> > very competitive prices, with credit card payment facilities over a secure
> > link!
> >
> > We at PassiOn Music love folk music from Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldavia and 
> > have
> > sourced
> > some great folk music CD releases direct for the small labels and musicians
> > that produced
> > them. Many are of a limited run so check them out now! New stock is arriving
> > on a near
> > weekly basis so if you want to be on our mailing list please reply to this
> > message with
> > 'subscribe' as the subject.
> >
> > HUNGARIAN FOLK MUSIC: Releases from such great musicians as FERENC KISS (ex-
> > Viszonto and Kolinda), folk singer KATI SZVORAK solo and with her new
> > ensemble KOFORAGOK,
> > ex- Muzsikas musician SANDOR CSOORI with his new ensemble IFJU MUZSIKAS. 
> > Also
> > in stock
> > is the complete UJ PATRIA (FINAL HOUR) series - a collection of 
> > Transylvanian
> > Folk Music -
> > and LOST EDEN - ELVESZETT EDEN, a 2 CD collection of archive folk music from
> > Hungary,
> > Moldavia, and Bukovina.
> > These links will take you there:
> >
> > <>http://www.passion-music.
> >
> >
> >
> > BULGARIAN FOLK MUSIC: Folk songs and dance from Pirin and Rhodopes, small
> > ensembles,
> > vocal trios and large choirs, many of which have been praised in world music
> > magazines such
> > This link will take you there:
> >
> > <>http://www.passion-mu
> >
> >
> > BALKAN FOLK MUSIC: A general term we have used to group such diverse
> > ensembles as the
> > influential folk ensemble VUJICSICS, masters in beautiful Yugoslavian folk
> > music. From
> > VUJICSICS we have in stock two releases previously unavailable outside
> > Hungary. Also within
> > this category we have spirited releases from folk ensembles such as 
> > and ZURGO
> > who play traditional Csango music from Moldavia. And, from Hungary, a great
> > Croatian Bagpipe
> > CD release!
> > This link will take you there:
> >
> > <>http://www.passion-m
> >
> >
> > GYPSY MUSIC: You wont hear these played in restaurant! This is the authentic
> > Gypsy music,
> > played by Gypsies for Gypsies. Renowned Gypsy Ensembles such as KALYI JAG
> > and ROMANYI ROTI (GYPSY WHEEL) as well as the original soundtrack to the
> > Oscar Nominated
> > movie ROMANI KRIS (GYPSY LORE). This soundtrack being the work of Ferenc 
> > Kiss
> > with various
> > Gypsy musicians.
> > This link will take you there:
> >
> > <>http://www.passion-musi
> >
> >
> > We can only tell you but a little of what we have, so we hope that you will
> > take some time and check
> > out our store. See also the Magazine section that will contain articles,
> > biographies and reviews on
> > the artists we stock.
> >
> > One last thing, if you have read this far I would like to thank you
> > personally for your time and patience.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Ian Morrison
> > <>

Then you should be a member of the NATIONAL
Web <>, Ph:(212) 254-0279,
Email <nwu (at) nwu(dot)org>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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