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manchurian waltz

Hi everyone and happy new year

first of all a big thanks to everyone involved in klezkamp and jewish music 
in nyc (and in sending me and oi-va-voi there), you have all helped to give 
our take on jewish music a healthy kick up the tukhes with all your love and 
enthusiasm (hm not sure about the mixed metaphors, but there you go...)

Now, question time...does anybody know any words to the Manchurian Waltz by 
Schatrow (as it says on my score which has the title in Finnish as 
Mantsurian Kukkuliolla)? Any language will do, although ideally I'd like to 
do an arrangement for an English version sooner or later.

Thanks very much

ps brian - are you the brian the fab trombonist who debuted with the KCB on 
If so, congrats - and how did it go?
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