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This item from Reuters may amuse

Khaverim --

This is a little off-topic, but Jewish-music and Jewish-food are both

Mideast Chickpea Dish Chock-Full of

               Updated 9:02 AM ET January 2, 2001

  JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Eat it, drink it or
  spread it on your face -- the popular
  Middle Eastern chickpea paste humus is
  good for your health, Israeli researchers
  said Tuesday.

  A new study from the Hebrew University in
  Jerusalem shows the savory staple
  contains a high quality protein on par with
  meat, as well as anti-oxidants which help
  prevent heart disease and cancer.

  "We already eat it and it's good, but the
  significance is that we might be able to
  take advantage of the chickpea proteins
  instead of other beans like the soybean,"
  said Ram Reifen, who compiled the study
  with Shahal Abbo.

  The research was based on a chickpea
  hybrid that the two developed in Israel
  without genetically engineering the

  "The species developed here...contain a
  good quantity of substances...that can be
  used by cosmetic companies" to prevent
  wrinkles, Reifen told Israel Radio.

  A second specialty use for the chickpea
  could be as a milk substitute for infants
  because it is less allergy-producing than
  soybeans, a commonly used alternative,
  he said.

  Reifen said a daily diet including 50 to 60
  grams of chickpea foods would be needed
  for the desired health effect.

  But for all its good qualities, not even a
  hybrid chickpea makes humus, usually
  eaten with pita pocket bread, less

  "Like everything in life, we must eat things
  in proportion," Reifen said.

George Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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