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Yehoram Gaon Concert, Boston

I was asked to post this concert announcement:

This is a reminder that the great singer Yehoram Gaon's concert is just
around the corner! I am sure that you have already read or heard about
the concert via e-mail, flier, newspaper and word of mouth. But to be sure,
here is the information again:
The performance will take place on December 16 at 8:00 PM in the
Amphitheater of Pine Manor College, 400 Heath St. Chestnut Hill. There are
not many tickets left, so please make sure you have a ticket before coming.
There is a good chance that we may have a second performance on December
15, so all those of you who would like more information on that second
concert, please contact Annette by phone 617-738-5038 or e-mail.
Smart_Israpages (at) msn(dot)com

Steven Fischbach
Providence, RI  USA
fischri (at) gis(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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