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Re: Margot Leverett at Tonic

Hey girl
I've surfaced again... this past weekend I have said my good-byes to Ideeel
and basically to the Jewish festival, although miracles might happen.. in so
that the festival WILL (probably) continue and that I am asked to keep on
doing the programming... life is good ...
I am in a weird state of mind, as always after the festival, but now even
more, because it was a real goodbye), so I am a bit melancholic and on the
other hand euphoric, because it was such a great goodbye. All my friends
from here were there, all my colleges from Ideeel, the people I worked with
the last 5 years for the festival and a few of my musician friends (not all
of course because you for instance were not there). It has been one big warm
bath for me the days of the festival, met some new amazing people and
everybody was really happy to work or play there. So that was already great
and the final night they speeched to me, and I got presents, and lots of
hugs and kisses hmmmmmmmm, had my share again...
it feels also weird because I am still very very tired and today I had a
informative meeting at the hospital I might study at. They invited me to
fill in an application and then I will be invited for an interview.
I feel like there is hardly any time to breath in between. but hey.. I will
so, and how are you doing? tell me. any nice guys around? I have had the
pleasure of a minor flirtation with Avshalom Farjum, the godlike creature
from Bustan Abraham.. hmm what a hunk
(nice detail: when we (avshalom and I) said our goodbyes (for the fifth
time) Adrienne was standing next to me and he came up to me and said: ok the
last one, put his arms around me and gave me a long long kiss on the lips.
Adrienne sure looked sour hahahahah and said in her icy voice: hm. flirting
are we? hahaha)
The physiotherapist is also still in the picture, but were are not getting
anywhere in terms of more intimate. He does give me these spoily treatments,
like complete massages and warmth-treatments (you know some sort of hot clay
on your back, that makes you really relaxed, then he turns out the lights
and tells me to relax.. and he just leaves me there for 15 minutes, I donl;t
think that that is actually necessary for my tennis-elbow.. hahah, but I
love it anyway...

nu, my sweetie, I am sorry I wasn;t in touch lately, but here I am again..
Have a great great time at the tonic, and talk to you soon,.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Margotlev (at) aol(dot)com <Margotlev (at) aol(dot)com>
Aan: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Datum: donderdag 23 november 2000 4:03
Onderwerp: Margot Leverett at Tonic

>Hi Everyone
>  I'm playing at Tonic Dec. 3,  shows at 1:30 and 3pm.  Tonic is at 107
>Norfolk between Delancey and Rivington in Manhattan.  This is part of the
>Sunday Klezmer Brunch series.  Dec. 3 I'll be featuring a big dance band
>including trombonist Jim Leff, accordionist Art Bailey of the Klezmer
>Conservatory band, Bassist Marty Confurius, and Drummer Justin Kramer.
>check it out!
>  more into (212) 358-7503.
>  Margot

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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