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Music to be reviewed

My name is Rabbi Ken Alter and I am the editor of my synagogue's
newsletter and the CAJE Spirituality and Healing Newsletter. Every month
I review a CD and I am constantly looking for new music.  If you have a
CD that you would like for me to review, please e-mail me privately. The
last two artists that I have recommended
recently released their debut CD's during the past year. They are
Shirona and Rick Calvert. Here's a mini-review of the two CD's.

    Shirona-Judaic Love Songs

    Here's what they're saying about Shirona's music:

   Shirona has recorded her own musical compositions using texts from
liturgy,            psalms, Shir Hashirim and ancient sources.
    Shirona's songs are all in Hebrew and the melodies are haunting and
infectious. For the most part, this is a calming, peaceful recording
featuring a variety of interesting instruments and synthesized sounds
and Shirona's breathtakingly beautiful voice. Some of the melodies are
so lush that it is hard to get them out of your head.
Beautiful, haunting, healing, contemplative, peaceful all describe this
recording from a rising star on the Jewish music front. A great Chanukah
gift. Distributed by Tara and available at your local Judaica store.

Rick Calvert-Journeys

Rick has recorded a collection of original,contemporary settings for
familiar blessings, Shabbat and other liturgy, and ethical writings,
composed over a two year period.
Listeners of all ages will be drawn to these accessible melodies and
rich harmonies.
Rick's album makes a great Chanukah gift. Distributed by Tara and
available at
your local Judaica store.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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