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Re: Klezmer in Brussels

The Klezmershack lists only two klezmer bands in Belgium 

Antwerp: Klezmic noiZ. E-mail: deben (at) klezmicnoiz(dot)com
Klezz Combo. E-mail: willy(dot)bok (at) wanadoo(dot)be(dot) 

Neither is specifically in Brussels, but I'd be surprised if that meant that 
neither was nearby, or that there aren't unlisted bands in the area.

There are several listings for London, as well as for the UK. You might also 
want to check out whatever is happening at YaD:
which is an event taking place in Charing Cross, wherever that is in London, on 
Dec. 14. (see the Klezmershack calendar,

Hope this helps, 

At 08:42 PM 11/14/00 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm going to Brussels this Friday for the weekend. Does anyone know of any
>Klezmer bands performing there, and if so when and where. Also are there
>any other klezmorim in South-East London?
>Paul Holden

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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