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wedding in a besserabian village

In Mendel Ackerman's Yiddish memoirs there is a chapter "A Jewish 
Wedding in a Besserabian village" (book = Oysgeloshene shtern, Buenos 
Aires 1960, 61-65). The wedding lasted from shabes to shabes  
("forshpil erev shabes and then sheva brokhes till the next shabes)- 
he mentions these dances: A khosn-marsh, and a Dobrionitsh, Waltz, 
Bulgar, Volekhl, Kamerekses, sher-kadriln. Sanapan the Gypsy from 
Novoselits and his band played, as did Borukh Kambele, Yisorl Iser and 
their bands from Chotin. Ackerman was from Malinets. - Itzik Go

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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