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Tune for third chapter of eicha

There is a special melody that is used for the third chapter of eicha
in which each of the triplets is treated to an extent as one verse.

I am trying to find where the tune originated. So far I have been
told that it may have come from Karlin though it is not clear if it
was fomr the Karliner Rav or from Boruch Karlin.
The other hint that I have is from the following post:

From: David Fax <davidfax (at) dellnet(dot)com>
Subject: Third chapter of Eicha

I use a special melody for the third chapter of Eicha in which each triplet of 
three verses is treated as one verse.  I use the same melody for the fifth 

I recieved this melody from my father, olov hasholom, who I presume got it from 
the shul over which he at one time presided, Shomrei Mishmeres haKodesh Anshei 
Volhyn, also known as the Lloyd Street Shul, Baltimore, Maryland.
Further than this I can only say that his father and grandfather were chassidim 
of the Olyker Rav, which was near Demidovka in the Volhynier Gubernia.

A guten Shabbos,              David Fax

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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