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Odp: trombenik definition

Hi Bert

Very interesting news 'bout the "trombenik" meaning in Yiddisch.
In Polish "tra,ba" /pronounced like *tromba*/ means also lazy, clumsy,
pitifull person. Nowadays rather old-fashioned.
In Silesian dialect such person is called "trompeta"
Of course basic meaning of "tra,ba" is "the trumpet".

----- Wiadomosc oryginalna -----
Od: "Bert Stratton" <yiddcup (at) en(dot)com>
Do: <jerzym (at) dom(dot)zabrze(dot)pl>
Wyslano: 31 pazdziernika 2000 14:06
Temat: trombenik definition

| Jerzy,
| I'm hoping you'll answer this for me:  is the Yiddish word "trombenik"
| derived from a Polish word?
| Thanks for your attention.  The following paragraphs are what I emailed to
| the Jewish Music List:
| Re: the well-known N. Farber/M. Katz trombone instrumental "Trombenik
| All my Yiddish dictionaries say "trombenik" means "lazy person,
| ne'er-do-well."  But Leo Rosten and Arthur Naiman add the meaning
| loudmouth," and say the word is derived from the Polish for a "blower of a
| horn or trumpet."
| Are Rosten and Naiman right, particularly about the "horn or trumpet"
| derivation?
| Thanks in advance for your help.
| Bert Stratton
| Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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