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Concert Announcement

Dear Friends,

This is to announce a (private) concert which will be held on Sunday, 3
December 2000 in Amsterdam's "Beurs van Berlage" commencing at 7:30pm.  The
concert is in honor of the 365th anniversary of the Amsterdam Jewish
Community and the 50th anniversary of Chief Cantor Hans Bloemendal.

A forty voice male choir will perform directed by Barry Mehler and Jean
Lambrechts.  The choir has been formed for this special occasion and
consists of members of the Amsterdam Synagogue Choir and the Slava Choir
(Maastricht).  In addition to the choir, a Jewish chamber orchestra will
perform directed by Joan Berkhemmer.

Works will consist primarily of Amsterdam Chazzanut (Jewish Litergical
Music) - including several works which were recently discovered in private
archives and will now be performed for the first time since the second world

The concert is private, however if you would like to attend, tickets can be
arranged for 50 Dutch Guilders per seat. Any requests will need to be
received by Friday, 3 November 2000.  If you would like to attend, please
send me an e-mail.



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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