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Re: Jankowski Tsimbl / Alcock Sticks

Paul M. Gifford wrote:
<a good deal of detailed commentary>

> So if "Jewish" style refers to ....

Thanks for all the tremendous information.  Although this is surely a
situation where a picture would be worth 1000 words!

In any case, by "Jewish" (which, as any Jew knows, is no monolith by
any stretch of the imagination) I meant the style of stick that I see
being used by most of the current klezmer tsimblists of note.
Zev Feldman, Stu Brotman for two.  Joshua Horowitz
has a different design which I liked a lot too - closer in
shape to an American HD hammer at the striking end, more like
the Jankowski hammer at the holding end.

I am an enthusiast and an amatuer player; folks like Paul, and Zev,
and Joshua are the scholars who have some credibility and authority
when they speak.  I'm just spouting off my personal journey here.

Again, thanks for all the additional info.

r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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