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Klezbos at the Knitting Factory & at Sarah Lawrence College

at the Knitting Factory 
New York City, TUES OCT 24
at Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville NY, THUR OCT 26

Two chances to hear Isle of Klezbos, the all-female powerhouse klezmer 
sextet!  First downtown, Tues 10/24 at the Knitting Factory's Old Office, 8pm 
& 9:30pm sets, just $7 (plus one drink minimum), 74 Leonard St, NYC.  Info: 
212-219-3006 or <>

Next, on campus at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, come to the Coffee 
House for a 9pm show.  Info: 914-337-0700; sponsored by Hillels of 
Westchester.   Either way, an early celebration of Simkhes Torah featuring 
lots of material from MOSAIC PERSUASION, our "terrific new CD" (-Seth 
Rogovoy, =The Forward=) with Metropolitan Klezmer, which delivers "a tighter, 
more unified sound than ever... *****" (-George Robinson, =Jewish Week=)

Seth, whose recent book THE ESSENTIAL KLEZMER will be featured with us on an 
upcoming edition CNN 'Worldbeat' -- including live performance footage from 
our CD release party at Makor in September, -- describes that Klezbos show in 
the current issue of the Forward:
"...a snazzy mixture of upbeat Eastern European dance tunes, Middle 
Eastern-influenced improvisations and luscious Yiddish theater tunes 
delivered by vocalist Deborah Karpel with just enough of an edge - in this 
case, the hint of lesbianism that runs through the band's performance - to 
fend off the dreaded shmaltz or nostalgia factor."  Yeah?  See for yourself!

PAM FLEMING - trumpet & flugelhorn
RACHELLE GARNIEZ - accordion & harmony vox
DEBRA KREISBERG - clarinet & alto sax

For more band info & updates, including our new, long-requested "Greetings 
from the Isle of Klezbos" t-shirt (available at all shows!! and posted any 
minute now on-line), please see <> or call 

With wishes for peace,

Eve Sicular
Isle of Klezbos/Metropolitan Klezmer
151 First Ave #145
NYC  10003

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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