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Re: "sheik of avenue b," "pesakh dovid (abi gezunt)," and other comic songs

In a message dated 10/10/00 5:47:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kevin (at) mapquest(dot)com writes:

 i'm trying to track down the name of an album that i haven't run across
 in quite a while.  it had a number of very funny bilingual
 yiddish/english songs on it, and i'm afraid i probably don't remember
 the names of any of them very accurately, although i can give some
 lyrics snippets, e.g.:
 from "abi gezunt:"
 i'm "pesakh dovid," the musical khokhm,
 a regular down at the ol' beys rukhl,
 rukhl, shmukhl, abi gezint,
 i'm a cat that's in the know.
 from "the sheik of avenue b:"
 he gets a goyl on sunday
 leaves her monday
 some girls even don't last one day
 any hints on the album title/group?

Thats the Original Klezmer Jazz Band. Pesakh Dovid is Pete Sokolow. I don't 
remember which album that is on. 

Jordan Hirsch 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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