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klezmer in Israel

fellow enthusiasts
I'm travelling in Israel from the 12th to the 30th of October and would 
welcome suggestions of any places to go, events to look out for etc whilst 
I'm there.
I've been playing klezmer for over 10 years here in the north of England. As 
well as playing in a band we also run a monthly klezmer session in our local 
pub (about a dozen people turned up today and we had a great afternoon) and 
take the whole show on a train a couple of times a year ( the folk train 
which runs from Manchester to Edale, bands play on the train then at a pub 
in Edale then on the train back to Manchester - it's wild).
It's been great to read your mailings over the past year and I've learnt a 
lot. Thanks and keep writing.
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