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Re: Music in Jewish brothels

"Paul M. Gifford" wrote:

> Has anyone done any research into Jewish-run houses of ill-repute,
> especially in places like London and Amsterdam, in the 17th and
> 18th century? Or, for that matter, in Germany or Eastern Europe?

Hi Paul:

YIVO Annual of Social Science
Vol. 1 (1946)
Jewish and Non-Jewish Criminality in Poland 1932 - 1937
by Liebman Hersch

"For white slave traffic (souteneurs and procurers)
there were convicted among Jews in 1937, 25 per
million inhabitants, a rate four times as high as that
among non-Jews;  for rape the number of convicted
among Jews was 4 per million, a rate about one-fourth
that of non-Jews."

Regarding the first "statistic",  bear in mind that anti-Semitic
Polish police and courts were generally not well-disposed
towards Jews,  and therefore Jewish law-breakers would
be targeted for arrest and convicted in greater proportion
than their Christian counterparts.

 A =shul= on the Lower East Side of NYC was
once pointed out to me as being the former congregation
of the local brothel keepers of some decades ago.

Thanks for initiating an interesting "thread".

I hope the List-Owner will not become too uncomfortable with this topic
and attempt to shut down the discussion because of its sexual content
--as he has done in the past.

=a git, gezint un gebensht yor, alemen=



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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