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Re: Klezmershack t-shirts

If anyone has personal questions or comments about the KlezmerShack 
t-shirts I would appreciate them being taken off-list, leaving this
forum free for discussion of Jewish music.


At 10:27 AM 9/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't think I was on the list when you asked for those translations.  For
>French, I would suggest KlezmerKabane, taken from the French for cabane,
>meaning shack, hut, shanty.  I'm assuming you're still interested in the
>topic.  If not, feel free to trash this. (If you want to be more strictly
>correct, you of course could use KlezmerCabane.  By using the K, I'm taking
>KlezKanada's lead...)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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