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Klezfest, 2000

KLEZFEST, 2000 Uraine, Crimea, Evpatoria

Andrew Morgun, center (at) cjeu(dot)carrier(dot)kiev(dot)ua

The end of this summer was marked by bright event of explosive force and wide 
radius of action.
For the first time in our country was held Klezfest, which has joined by a new 
rough wave the
Jewish life of Ukraine, and also has caused unusual delight everyone, who could 
visit it.
Klezmer music, special element of culture of the Jewish people, to the full has 
sounded there, in
Evpatoria, where passed a festival from August 29 till September 2.
For this short period the musicians from different cities and countries got 
new, more correctly
well forgotten old, experience of tool and vocal performance of national 
And a source of transfer of knowledge was the masters  of Klezmer art Zalmen 
Mlotek, Adrienne
Copper and Frank London, which kindly have accepted the invitation to a holiday 
and have
arrived from USA to lead a series of workshops, and also to give a cycle of 
lectures on urgent for
a festival subject.
The dense schedule of work and tireless aspiration of the participants to 
knowledge have
crowned by a unique final concert, in which the old Jewish musical tradition 
was brightly

Such effective ending became a touching result of large volume of work in 
workshops for
instrumentalists, under the direction of the famous musician Frank London, and 
for vocal group,
which trained by Zalmen Mlotek, well known pianist together with the singer 
Adrienne Copper,
having the large repertoire of songs, many of which were assembled by her in 
different places of
the world, where the Jews live.
And, certainly, it is necessary to tell about heat of creative forces both on 
the part of the pupil, and on the part of the teachers:
directly on eyes our Ukrainian Jewish culture revived which necessarily will 
find reflection in soul of each Jew.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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