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RE: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 1661 (Re: Transferring 78s to CD)

The absolute best source of good 78 RPM turntables are garage/yard sales
where people are trying to sell their old "Garrard" and "BSR", Symphonic,
Sears, etc. record player. On trash day, keep an eye out for dis-used old
stereo consoles, and "Hi-Fi Sets" in rich Blonde or Walnut colored wood
cabinets.  Strip out the "record player" which is usually very serviceable
and hook up to your hi fi amp.

Often these old vegematics*,  er, I mean record players, have high output
ceramic cartridges which won't be compatible with modern hi fi amps, so
you'll have to feed the record player into your "aux" or tuner input.

There may be a slight issue with " RIAA" equalization, but that can be
cleared up  with an external equalizer.

*Remember the old Vegematic? "Slices, dices, chops  and grinds". We Hi-end,
Hi-Fi snobs used to deride the old family record player, and it's
turntable.  Now, it's the best thing to play your old 78's on.

Ed Sieb

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Susan Lerner
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 2:19 PM
> To: World music from a Jewish slant
> Subject: Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 1661
> At 12:09 AM 9/9/00 -0400, Ed Seib wrote:
> >Now, down to the nitty-gritty.
> >
> >You'll need a high quality turntable with 78-RPM speed and an associated
> >arm/cartridge/stylus suitable for reproducing the 78's.
> Generally speaking,
> >unless the 78 was recorded off-speed, a speed adjustment isn't
> necessary.
> Khaverim,
> Thanks so much for the excellent info.  But Ed has pointed out what has
> been, to me, the biggest hurdle.  Computer equipment I have or can
> get.  But 3 months ago when I wanted to find a 78 turntable to transfer
> some 78s- fugedaboudit!
> Shira

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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