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Re: And the Angels Sing

In a message dated 08/30/2000 1:00:00 AM Central Daylight Time, 
l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org writes:

<< Okay, who has the Yiddish words to "And the Angels Sing"?  I have some,
 but not all.  Can anyone help fill in my blanks? >>

We meet...and the angels sing
The angels sing the sweetest song I ever heard.
You speak...atas
Or am I reading music into every word?
Suddenly, the setting is strange--
I can see water and moonlight beaming
Silver waves that break on some undiscovered shore...then...
Suddenly I see it all change--
Warm winter nights with the candles gleaming
Through it all, your face that I adore.

You smile...atas
And though it's just a distant murmur at the start
We kiss...atas
And leave their music ringing in my heart.

---courtesy of Lori

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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