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Fwd: Research Fund in Sephardic Studies

I thought this might be of interest to some on the list...  Feel free to 
DELETE!!!  --j.

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory -

Dear List Member:

we are pleased to forward the following announcement (please notice our
policy statement regarding the forwarding of announcements at the end of
this message):
The UCLA Center for Jewish Studies

Maurice Amado Foundation Research Fund in Sephardic Studies

The UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, in the UCLA College of Letters and
Science, is pleased to announce the Maurice Amado Foundation Research Fund
in Sephardic Studies for the academic year 2001-2002.

The purpose of the Research Fund is to support innovative and important
research in the many diverse areas of Sephardic studies, which include
history, language, literature, anthropology, sociology, and musicology.

Research Grants: The research grants will be awarded in the academic year
2001-2002.  The two main categories of grants are:

1) Maurice Amado Awards in Sephardic Studies: Awards will be available to
faculty and exceptionally promising graduate students in the final stages
of dissertation writing.  Awards will be made on the basis of a
well-developed research plan, with preference given to those whose
research requires fieldworks or travel to archives.  The research awards
range from $2,500 - $10,000 annually.

2) The Maurice Amado Distinguished Fellowship: The Center will award one
distinguished fellowship of $20,000-$25,000 each year.  The aim of this
fellowship is to enable a scholar of exceptional promise or ability to
make substantial progress on a work of major scholarly significance.

Award recipients will also participate in a new "virtual scholarly
circle," coordinated via the Research Fund Website.

Eligibility: The Research Fund is open to faculty and graduate students
throughout the world, who will become UCLA visiting scholars by accepting
the award.  Visiting scholars in the Humanities at UCLA are
non-stipendiary appointments, who need not be in residence at UCLA.
Scholars who receive support from the Maurice Amado Research Fund will be
affiliated with the Center for Jewish Studies for the duration of the

Submission deadline and Information: The postmark deadline for proposals
for all programs is December 31, 2000.  Awards made under this fund will
be announced in March for research commencing September 2001.  Detailed
questions about the Maurice Amado Foundation Research Fund and requests
for application materials should be addressed to the Center:
Fellowship Coordinator
Center for Jewish Studies
302 Royce Hall, UCLA
Box 951485
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1485
Email: cjs (at) humnet(dot)ucla(dot)edu

The application and reference forms can be downloaded from the Center's

As a service to academic institutions in the field of Jewish Studies, we
are prepared to forward announcements to this list. However, we reserve
the right to refuse postings at our discretion. Announcements must concern
academic Jewish Studies, and must be of immediate interest to the academic
community. No commercial interest, no promotional copy.
Announcements can be sent to the list address.

With best wishes,

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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