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accordian for sale

I'm sorry, this is very off topic.  A friend of mine wants to sell her
accordian, and wanted me to ask around to see if anyone was interested
in buying it.  It's a good German brand, but she didn't know the name of
it when I was talking to her. She doesn't know how much it's is worth,
because she got in Bulgaria when she was nine.  It's in good condition,
because she only played it for a year.  She said that the ones of the
same size as this one, that she's seen in America, cost around $5,000.
She'll be happy to get around $1,000.  If anyone's interested, or you
know anyone, please email her at <rossitza90 (at) hotmail(dot)com> or email me
and I will tell her.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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