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ask Dr. Klez

Budowitz Website:

has anyone ever wondered whether folk musicians had groupies in the 19th
century? I think there is evidence that they did. I've posted the proof at

(simply click on "Budowitz in action" when you reach the website, and go to
the bottom of the page)

The new Budowitz website not only contains information about the group (more
than enough of that), but also now includes a section called "Ask Dr. Klez"
(inspired by the recent postings on the list about Dr. Klezmer). Just go to:

The purpose of "Ask Dr. Klez" (I hope that title doesn't seem too immodest)
is to cover the many and varied aspects of klezmer music which people can
write in about. There are 2 questions answered this week which have already
been posted, but only for a short while. I will try to change the questions
frequently and will also try to post a notice to the list when new ones are
answered. If you want the questions to go up on the list for public
discussion, you can simply take them there and post the question, with or
without my answer. The questions and answers will probably eventually be
archived on Ari's homepage and provide a large data bank of information
which is publicly accessible. There will be plenty of historical Photos
which I'll change from week to week, as my schedule allows. I hope you all
like it and will have fun visiting from time to time. The present questions
include whether klezmer bassists ever got a chance to play melodies, and
also whether there is a klezmer connection to British and American pop and
R+B....All the best.. Josh Horowitz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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