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Re: Reviews of new Khevrisa, Budowitz

It seems like at least a month since I've had time to read any emails to
this list, let alone respond to any. I could say all kinds of things about
this review, but I'm going to limit myself to two comments:

<<Svigals, who plays rhythm fiddle on Khevrisa, expressed some reservations
about the early klezmer movement. She finds that the fiddlers, for
instance, overdo the ornamentation. "It's -- you know -- ongepatsht," she
said, borrowing a Yiddish word that
"your mother would use to describe someone who was covered in jewelry and
makeup." What you hear on turn-of-the-century recordings, she said, is more

I am so amazed that Alicia said this. Who is she talking about aside from
Steve Greenman, who learned style from her? Her own contribution to "early
klezmer" includes her fidl cd and one track on the Marriage of Heaven and
Earth cd. One of the first things that stood out to me when I heard these
was how over ornamented they were. I thought Alicia was the leader of the
over ornamentation school. But who knows, maybe things have changed since
she did those recordings. Anyone care to enlighten me on this?

<<Despite these qualms, Svigals feels that early klezmer has brought a new
maturity to the klezmer revival, by bringing out the "very serious,
beautiful and spiritual" side of klezmer.>>

To my mind, a very worthwhile direction. That's what attracted me to
klezmer in the first place.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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