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Brandwein at weddings

I'm wondering if I can seek the List's advice.

I am in the early planning stages of what I think might be a novel, set in 
north London, about Klezmer. One of the main characters I would like to have 
had Naftuli Brandwein play at his wedding.

Really I'm wanting to know if anyone knows of anyone who might have heard (or 
heard of someone hearing) Brandwein playing at a wedding. 

If I ever manage to publish anything on the subject, then naturally I will 
acknowledge any information, whether given on or off list. Ultimately I'd 
like to help people remember, or learn about, this extraordinary musician. 
That said, I have much to learn myself.

I'd be extremely grateful for any advice or thoughts.

Tom Payne

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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