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Israeli popular music

Some time ago, the list was advised, after one member inquired re the 
general topic, of the existence of a Ph. D. thesis in Hebrew by Motti Regev, 
entitled (in English) "Coming of rock:  Meaning, contest, and structure in 
the field of popular music in Israel" (1990).

I just wanted to advise that, owing to the remarkable swiftness of the 
Brookline Public Library, and the generosity of the originating library (I 
believe in Tel-Aviv)--oh, and thanks to a member's providing me with an 
exact citation--I am now in possession of a microfiche of, apparently, the 
complete thesis (in Hebrew).  I assume that others can obtain it too, but if 
it happens that you:

1) have a serious need or use for this work; and

2) can read and understand it in the original Hebrew; and

3) cannot, for some reason, easily obtain a copy or microfiche yourself, 

I'd be happy to make my copy available to you.

Please advise--*privately* (*Don't clutter the list!*)--Robert Cohen
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