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Re: Yiddish in the Park - Cleveland

This sounds wonderful! And of course, any event which features both
Margot Leverett and Adrienne Cooper is already an event worth hearing....
(one would be enough, two is even better!)


At 07:47 AM 7/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Marvelous event!  The Workmen's Circle Klezmer Orchestra played for an
>hour before the main concert.  Then came the wonderful musicians from St
>Petersburg, Russia, coordinated by the always amazing Adrienne Cooper.
>Leonid Sonts, violin; Maria Yakubovich, Marina Lebenson, Anzhela Pikhut
>and Yefim Chorny, vocals; a woman, also from Russia, on piano, whose
>name I, sadly, cannot remember, the former drummer from Maxwell Street,
>whose name also escapes me (I'm sorry); and Eugeny Khazdan, piano; Steve
>Ostrow, of our own Yiddishe Cup, played trombone admirably; and Margot
>Leverett played soulfully on clarinet.   The Russian woman pianist,
>Steve, Margot, and the drummer were called on last minute because the
>American embassy refused to issue visas to 5 of the original 10
>musicians scheduled to play.  You never would have known it.  They
>played as if they had been part of the original group.  It was an
>exciting and varied show with musicianship of the highest caliber.
>There is so much more to say, but I have not the energy to go on and
>need to go to work.  If anyone saw their performance in Detroit last
>night or are planning to go to the one in New York, please post some
>more details.  I have to say, though, not only were they exquisite
>performers, but lovely and generous people.  I hope to be able to go to
>the St. Petersburg Klezfest next summer.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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