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NYC 7/9 Yiddish concert

SONG of the SHTETL Jewish Music Ensemble

Concert of Old World Yiddish Songs, Ballads, and Melodies

   ISMAIL BUTERA - Accordion
   MICHAEL HESS - Violin
   ALAN ZEMEL - Domra Bass, Balalaika

Sunday  July 9th, 1:30 and 3pm

TONIC  107 Norfolk Street
   (between Rivington and Delancey Streets,
    F or J train to Delancey and Essex Streets
        now air conditioned!

Information:  212-358-7501
Band Information:  212-255-7890

Admission:   $10, or $15 for both shows (different programs)

Sponsor:  Sunday Klezmer Brunch curated by David Krakauer

About the ensemble:

Well known as a performer, researcher, and teacher of a variety of East
European and Judaic singing traditions, Carol Freeman has performed
since 1970 as vocalist for the Smyrneiki Kompania  Asia Minor Greek
Music Ensemble, Sevda  Balkan Music Ensemble, Song of the Shtetl Jewish
Music Ensemble, and Zhenska Pesna  (Balkan women?s trio), and as a solo
interpreter of traditional song.  First introduced to Yiddish song by
her grandmother, Carol has been actively involved in its research and
presentation since 1977, when she was selected a vocalist for the
American Jewish Congress' CETA Artists' Project. Keenly aware of the
extraordinary value of folk artistry and sensitive to the intricacies of
traditional vocal expression, Carol has approached Yiddish song with a
unique focus. Choosing to learn her songs directly from Old World
singers, she has developed a repertoire that includes old, rarely heard
ballads as well as the better known tunes, and has used her musical
expertise to make the subtle embellishments and vocal inflections of
traditional Yiddish singers her own.

The accompanying instrumentalists, Ismail Butera, Michael Hess, and Alan
Zemel, are three of the finest musicians to be heard anywhere, and  use
their exceptional musical virtuosity to interpret Yiddish melodies with
extraordinary sensitivity, spirit, sweetness, and depth.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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