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Re: Who is Ben Zimet? (+ Talila)

URL for Talila not accessible, btw -- rlc

>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Who is Ben Zimet?
>Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 14:46:45 EDT
>In a message dated 6/27/0 6:01:58 AM, borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch 
><< Ben Zimet is a pretty good yiddish singer, actually living in France and
>usually featuring with Talila (vocals)  Eddie SCHAFF (accordion) and 
>Dear Michel,
>Ben Zimet has been recording a number of years in France. A few years ago,
>his wife Talila became quite popular, but has not done anything as of late
>and her popularity has waned a bit, though I hear there is a new recording 
>the works by them.
>Once a year, the local NPR station in Los Angeles, KCRW, does a 3 hour
>program on Yiddish music, I help "program" the show. When I first
>"discovered" Talila's recordings, I sent them to the program director and
>suggested her recordings which I liked very much.  On the program, they
>played 4 songs form her CD, and Talila became quite a local celebrity. For
>the next 3 years, she was the best selling Yiddish artist at Hatikvah.
><< Voices of the Ghetto WMD 242066>>
>Compilation of various artists and has been out of print for about 3 or 4
>Ben Zimet did not perform on these CD, but Talila did 3 songs.
><<"Papirossn": Talila chante le Yiddish, (1992) Chants du Monde LDX 274 
>this is a solo CD by Talila (though Zimet does a little scatting on "Bie 
>Bistu Shein".
><<"Yiddish Café",Arion ARN 64042  (33rpm ARN34360)>>
>Yiddish Cafe is a 2 Cd set made in France sung primarily by Talila
><<"International Yiddish Festival , Cracovie1990", Kunstlertreff EK 
>another compilation featuring artist from all over the world including our
>own Klezmer Conservatory Band.  Zimet does two solos and one with Talila
><<Chants yiddish, Buda 82440 by Ben Zimet>>
>NOT my favorite recording!
>"Yiddish" by Talila.   Now out of print (but we've still got 'um). Great
>version of "Oy Mame Bin Ich Farleibt" and 'Yid'l Mit'n Fidl"
>Talila is to perform in Poland on July 5.
>For more Talila
>Hatikvah Music
>  >>
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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