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Songs of the Sepharadim

Dear List,

A friend of mine was at my performance last week where one of the songs I
sang was Cuando el Rey Nimrod. She said she can't stop singing it and
would like to buy a disc. I suggested one of the discs we have in our
library:  "Songs of the Sepharadim: Traditional Music of
the Spanish Jews". Performed by la Rondinella: Alice Kosloski, accomp. by
various instruments. Dorian Discovery, NY, 1993, no. 80105.

Do any of you carry this disc? Please let me know and I'll pass on the

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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