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Bulgarian Roma in MAdrid

hi, a quick note before I head up north (Asturias) -
last night in the Plaza Mayor (main square) I stopped
to hear a couple of street musicians (accordion and
kaval), ended up singing Bulgarian songs with them and
going back to their place for a late supper. They
turned out to be Roma, and Trojan´s wife had an
interesting story: her paternal grandmother was
Jewish, and for reasons I didn´t totally understand
(her Spanish was elementary and my Bulgarian is
elementary) was left with her great-grandparents as a
small child; the parents never returned and the
grandmother grwew up Roma, eventually marrying a Gypsy
and only finding out later she was Jewish - the family
is actually proud of this and delighted to learnI was
Jewish. We sat up late playing and singing Bulgarian
and Macedonian (and a couple of Sephardic) songs -
with accoerdeonj, kaval and synthesizer.... Cheers, Judith

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