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16th-century Sephardic music

I don't know anything about Sephardic music, but I came across this
mini-review in a recent edition of the Montreal news magazine, L'actualité.
I've translated it for those on the list who might be interested. The review
is by François Tousignant.

Ballads and Instrumental Music of the Sephardic diaspora from 16th-century
Spain. Montserrat Figueras (soprano) and the Hesperion XXI ensemble,
directed by Jordi Savall. AliaVox AV9809A+B.

Persecuted during the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition, Sephardic Jews
disseminated around the Mediterranean basin and North Africa to the capital
cities of the Ottoman Empire. This migration proved fertile, and many
influences enlivened it.  In deciding to retrace his roots, Jordi Savall has
explored this music and brings us all the beauty that he has discovered in
the Judaeo-Hispanic tradition.  As always with Hesperion XXI, a
fascinatingly poetic universe blossoms.  While listening to the two CDs, the
medieval "stylings" [? mélismes] of Montserrat Figueras' ravishing voice and
the instrumental subtleties are enchanting -- little gems of sound [!].
Don't forget get to browse the informative accompanying booklet.

J. Miller

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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