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Re: Variety: Was Dancing the slow hora

In a message dated 6/5/00 8:59:46 AM, media (at) kamea(dot)com writes:

<< What are, off the top of your =kepele=,
10 or 15 "Jewish Music" recordings that
exemplify these qualities best?

Greetings from Northampton.

Wolf >>

There are so many hundreds of interesting artists and thousands of great 
recordings!  Ask me in an hour and I'll come up with a different list.  Okay, 
Here's fifteen that I marvel at: 

Chava Alberstein  ("Margeritkelekh"),
Menashe Oppenheim ( Raisele),
Theo Bikel (Akhtzig Er un Zibitsik Zi)
Aaron Lebedoff (Slutzk Mayn Shtetele)
Alter Yekhiel Karniol - Avinu Malkeynu
Moyshe Oysher - Dos Keshenever Shtikele
Nekhama Lifshutz - Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym 
Naftule Brandwayn - Firn.
Leon Ahl - Doyne
Israel Chazin with Kandel - Doyne
Pierre Pinchik -Rosa Di Shabes
Leyb Glantz -Selichot Service at Midnight
Dave Tarras - Der Monastricher Rebn's Khusidl
Joseph Solinski - Roumanishe Fantasies
Seymour Rechzeit - Belz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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