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Re: New Budowitz Tea

... I forgot about the Jewish-music-connection:

Russian Jews created a new Peysakh-song around 1820, called "my pure little 
tea glass" ("mayn kosher gleyzele"), which became a well-known song all over 
Eastern Europe and was soon translated into different languages. By 1840 
there even was an English version, "The clean, clean glass of home". A 
scottish folk singer, Duncan "Earl" McGrey, composed a new melody and brought 
it to Ireland around 1845. The Irish soon changed the text, since they 
couldn't afford tea glasses, and drinking tea from pints would burn their 
hands. During the great famine they were the first to bring it to the US of 
A. 30 years later, emigrating Jews stopped singing that song, when they were 
forced to drink from mugs on the boats, and due to poor Jewish-Irish contacts 
in the US nobody ever found out that "Mayn kosher gleyzele" and "The green, 
green grass of home" once had been the same song.
In 2002, Mr. J. Horowitz ("The Jewish Ice-T") discovered the connection by 
interviewing old Irish tsimblists during Budowitz' first Ireland tour. All 
three different versions were first published in 2003 on Budowitz' third 
album, "Tea without a glass".

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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