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Re: Sholem Lid

This song can be found in Lomir  Kinder Zingen, a songbook published by 
Kinderbuch Publications,  and was sung in the Linke, or Ordn Shuln.  It is 
sung by alumni of these shuln, as well as former campers of Camp Kinderland. 
I last heard it at Klezkamp.

Paula Teitelbaum

In a message dated 5/15/00 3:04:27 PM, meydele (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com 

<< I am interested in finding out about the song Sholem Lid. The lyrics which 
I  am familiar with are:

"Lomir ale freylekh zayn, lomir ale zingen (repeat)
Zingen far sholem, zingen far broyt,
Boyen a morgn on has un on noyt."

I find it in old shule song books and song books from the Yiddish labor 
movements in the US.  I haven't had a chance to check songbooks from 
Europe, yet. Interestingly, it isn't in the Mlotek songbooks.

I would like know where list members first learned or heard the song. I 
would also appreciate any information about the origins or derivations of 
the song.

Please feel free to respond to me directly by email.

A sheynem dank.
Shira Lerner

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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