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Re: Rivers of Babylon

Robert Cohen wrote:

> Well, this winds up addressing a question I just alluded to in my posting on
> the same subject:  "Over I" may well be the words at the end of some of my
> versions, including Delaware Water Gap's.  But what do they mean? -- rlc

To the Rastafarian, "I" is like =dos pintele yid=,
it is the eternal,  infinite divine essence and,
simultaneously, what some call the Superego.
"I" is the letter "Yod",
the first letter of the Tetragramaton,

The Rastafarian diet  is based on the concept of "Ital";
it prohits pork and a host of non-living, processed, and
chemically altered food.

Greetings and farewell is "Irie".

Rastafarian  speech is woven with word permutations
and idioms employing "I".   The first syllable of a word is
often replaced with "I", in an attempt to constantly  praise Jah,
(their vocalization of Yod He, the first two letters of the
Tetragramaton, -- to Jews, the ineffable name of G-d,
the Christian JeHoVaH.

It is common to say "I and I", the reasoning being that
G-d is part of everyone and everything;  the speaker
acknowledging the presence of G-d in every action.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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