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WWII victims names on web in attempt to return $ to rightful owners

This may be off-topic for the list, but it could be extremely important
information for anyone whose relatives happen to be listed on the web
site, which is <>. 

Hope Ehn               <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 21:47:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Varda Ullman Novick

May 9 2000

ALMOST 11,000 names of Holocaust and other Second World War victims were
put on the Internet yesterday in an attempt to return £2.8 million to its
rightful owners. The British Bankers' Association published the names of
the wartime account holders in an attempt to reunite the money with those
who deposited it, or their heirs. The money has languished in the accounts
since 1939, when the "trading with the enemy" laws were passed, freezing
all accounts held by people living in enemy territory. 

The Government seized accounts held by people living in countries which
had declared war on Britain, and froze accounts held by those in countries
invaded by Germany. 

Restore UK, the agency set up by the British bankers, said that where an
account is found to have been held by a victim of the Holocaust, the
balance will be multiplied by 26 times to bring it into line with today's
equivalent. Deciphering some of the names has been a challenge, so the
list includes variations in spelling. There are 13,000 names which could
relate to a total of 10,800 bank accounts. 

The list of account names from Restore UK

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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