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Tetris, anyone?

To continue the thread of "interesting places where Klezmer has shown up"...

There's a fascinating article in today's NY Times Circuits Section (p. G6)
about a group of Brown U. students who turned the side of one of their
libraries into a huge computerized Tetris board.  According to the article,
"a klezmer group [perhaps Brown's own Yarmulkazi?] also showed up for a few
nights to play music from the original version of Tetris."  Bravo!


PS:  My special interests, for what they're worth, are Jewish Western art
music, Jewish [collegiate] a cappella music (I'm doing my best to maintain a
complete collection of these recordings), Cantorial, Israeli Folk Dance, and
Songleader music.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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