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Special Interests

Here is the 3rd edition of the special Jewish music interests of list
members based on responses received.  If you would like to be
added/deleted or have this information changed please write to the
list or to me directly.

Bob: classical
Eliott: liturgical choral
George: jazz
Gideon: rock
Haim: Israeli folk dance
Hayyim: rock
Hankus: Yiddish
Helen: klezmer dance, Israeli dance
Henry: klezmer
Ingemar: jazz
Isabelle: Sephardic (cassettes/CDs)
Itzik: Yiddish
Jacob: klezmer dance
Jerzy: Polish
Joel: Ladino
Josh: early European klezmer
Judah: early music
Judith: Ladino (field recordings)
Lorele: Yiddish children's material/folksongs (78s/LPs/cassettes/CDs)
Marvin: klezmer
Michel: klezmer
Paul: early European klezmer
Reyzl: Yiddish (78s/LPs), Yiddish music books
Robert: communal/folk liturgical song
Seth: contemporary klezmer;
    alternative/radical (Knitting Factory/Tzadik) (we're looking for a
label to describe this genre)
Simon: everything
Steven: early Yiddish (cylinders/78s), early klezmer, oddball
Winston: liturgical
Wolf: Yiddish, oddball

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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