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Re: Freilekhs or Bulgar?

"Personally, I always felt that the tempo of most fast klezmer (bulgar,
freylekhs, hongas etc) was too fast, and has been too fast in America, at 
least since the 20s. How could anyone, no matter what age, dance a sher to 
the speed of Abe Schwartz's Rusishe sher? I could envision building up 
tothat tempo, but to start off so fast, makes me wonder.- Itzik"

I agree that a slower tempo is better in many situations.  If the dance is 
too fast, there's no time for interaction between participants.  I think the 
interaction and the chemistry are what differentiate folk dances from 
aerobics routines.  These are social dances that serve a social purpose.

In Israeli dance, due to the speeded up tempo and the addition of all sorts 
of turns and fancy moves, people no longer hold hands in the circle in some 
places.  Yet holding hands in a circle is what gives a sense of community 
and belonging for me.


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