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Re: Freilekhs or Bulgar?

>From what I've been able to find out about dancing bulgars, I don't think a 
specific number of repetitions is required. It's just (from what I've read 
and been told by other list members) a simple 6 count pattern walk, walk, 
step, kick, step kick--with variations to replace the kicks.  It can be 
danced to many different pieces of music.  You find the same basic pattern 
throughout the Balkans under different names.  According to Yves Moreau, an 
expert in Balkan dance, this same pattern can be called "Pravo, Hora, 
Hassaposerviko, Kasapsko, Lomka po Lomka, Lesnoto etc."(I asked him the same 

Similarly with the sher,at least the way I know it,  a certain number of 
repetitions isn't needed since people improvise at different times in the 
dance and groups thread the needle at different rates.  Each time you do the 
dance it is a little different.  You just need music that is long enough and 
at the right tempo for the dancers.

Would welcome input from other list members in this regard.

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