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Re: Manfred Lemm/Daniel Kempin

> I have wondered why no one in the post-War years took on the role of 
> writing "Gebirtig" style melodies to his his texts.   Although few people
> know that Gebirtig's original notebook with 200-300 song texts had been
> found, some people did know it.

In fact, back in the late 80's I visited Ryszard Sielicki, the one time
musical director of the Warsaw Yiddish Theater, in his home in Konstantin,
Poland (which was a sort of artists' residence colony set up by post-war
communists).  At that time he showed me a pile of orchestrated scores of
Gebirtig melodies on his piano which he had set himself. He told me then
that he had been working for over 20 years on the "complete unabridged"
settings of all of Gebirtig's songs and considered this his tour de force
and life's work. I did an interview with him then which I would have to dig
out, as my memory may be filling in details that didn't exist, but that's
what I remember.

If anyone wants to get in touch him, his last address was:

Ryszard Sielicki
Sniadeckich 1/15 M20
PL-00654 Warszawa, Poland
Local Tel 628-3816

Pan Sielicki is a very sweet, old man - as sweet as they come. Even if you
don't get what you're looking for when you talk to him, it's worth the
trouble, as the Warsaw Yiddish Theater is a world unto itself and he can
tell about it. Josh Horowitz

PS Thanks Reyzl and Itzik for the Purim-Shpil info. Keep it coming! 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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