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Bikel Recordings: The Horse's Mouth

To help us settle the question of the availability (or lack thereof) of Theo 
Bikel's recordings, I sent him an email.  I am taking the liberty of giving 
his reply verbatim below for those who are interested in the question (and in 
helping him in his quest to get them reissued).

Lori Lippitz

<< Dear Lori,
Thank you for your message. I  much appreciated it.
My out-of -print albums are somewhat hard to find. But there is a store in 
California  that carries some. Its e-mail address is: rarerecords (at) 
And there is a movement afoot to persuade Rhino records to release a 
retrospective of my work as a CD package. If you would care to add your 
voice, call, write or e-mail Rhino Records at: david_mclees (at) 
With best wishes,
Theodore Bikel >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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