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Re: Protocols...

Yes, B&N acted quite promptly. has been another story.  I think 
they've finally got it right as far as how they sell the book.  You can go 
see for yourself.

Leonard Fein has written a few columns on this.  One is available (it's not 
his latest, but it's the only one I could find) here:

Since this column was written (I read his latest one in the most recent 
Forward) Amazon has added their own disclaimer and the publisher has 
written an entirely new, and more appropriate, review.  Amazon really 
dragged their feet on this.  They just didn't seem to get it.


At 04:17 PM 4/9/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>This came in on a friend's list and she sent it to me.  I checked it out
>and it is true.  Thank G-d and B & N.  Maybe people CAN learn.
>    Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 05:16:31 EDT
>Subject: Follow up -Barnes & Noble-
>I just came back from Barnes and Noble - Aventura and they took the
>infamous book from the stock on that store. They left a computer with
>their database on and I got into the stock control to see it. Ten days
>ago I went there and they had it in the Judaica section.
>I also checked their website, and now the book is shown in the
>categories "Antisemitism" and "Hate Literature". Ten days ago the
>keyword was "Judaica".
>They really changed it, and as promised they published a statement of
>the Anti-Defamation League at the end.
>Additionally they now carry a list of books bashing that particular


Aaron Bousel
abousel (at) mindspring(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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