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Re: Recording the complete Gebirtig)

In a message dated 4/4/0 10:23:13 PM, GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net writes:

<< I'm embarrassed to say I'm not familiar with Lemm. I'd love to know more

about his recordings of Gebirtig. 

Manfred Lemm has recorded 3 CDs of consisting of 52 Gebirtig songs.  He has 
also recorded (with an ensemble) a CD of Jewish holiday songs, mostly in 
Yiddish and some in Hebrew. 

We have carried his CDs for almost 10 years, and I have posted information on 
Lemm to this list a number of times. We have done very well with his 
recordings, and get calls from all over the word for these. However, there 
have always been comments about the fact that he is German and a non-Jew, and 
therefore he "doesn't understand" the music. I DON'T want to get involved in 
THAT debate, however, I admire anyone regardless of their religionor 
nationality , who is willing to record Jewish music knowing the criticism 
that will follow.
Maybe THAT'S the reason so many Jewish performers record Christmas music!

For those interested in his recordings, visit our "Manfred Lemm Page" at 
Then do a search on "lemm" to see all his recrdings.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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